Microblading Didn't End Up How You Expected? Don't Worry, There Is Hope

Beauty & Fashion Blog

Microblading is an increasingly popular way to make sure that your eyebrows look great all the time without putting in hours of work every month. It is done by tiny, semi-permanent tattoos that mimic eyebrows and look great when done properly. However, sometimes the results do not match up to what you expected and this can be extremely disheartening. Luckily, there are still ways for a microblading correction to be done even after everything is finished. Here are some problems that can be fixed with a microblading correction, so no matter how bad a situation is always make sure to call and see if you can get it fixed!


Sometimes the microblading ink will set in a way that you really were not expecting. Pigmentation can wreak havoc on your microblading work, and if that ends up being a problem for you, then you can use corrective techniques to achieve a more desirable color. Often you will have to go darker, but that is still a better option than walking around with grey or even blue eyebrows due to the ink not settling properly from your first attempt. Generally, this will take a few days to show, so make sure you wait until you are positive the color is not correct.

Odd Shape

Due to the fact that microblading is not a completely permanent procedure, the ink can still be accessed and withdrawn using special equipment. However, this can be hard to do over the whole eyebrow, which is why it is best for minor adjustments, not complete microblading removal. The best way to know for sure if you are a good subject for a microblading correction is simple: call them up and talk to a microblading professional who offers corrective services. Many microblading professionals also offer corrective services to help the minority who don't end up happy with the first attempt.

Too Deep

Sometimes microblading will accidentally be done a little too much in one area, especially where the skin is shallower, so part of your eyebrow will look very dark while the rest looks normal. Just like in the above situation, this ink can be removed and this is much easier than a complete microblading removal. Getting the right shade so that it looks natural is difficult at the best of times, so don't be dismayed if you need a slight touch-up after your initial microblade work has healed.


23 February 2022

Hairstyles for Brides and Bridal Parties

First you have decided on a wedding gown, the next step is figuring out what you are going to do with your hair. There are so many options, and much of your choice will depend on the theme and style of your wedding. I am a specialist in bridal hair and makeup. I have worked in salons and now work privately. I have seen brides go with long, straight hair hanging down their backs as well as with elaborate up-do styles studded with diamond accents. How you do your bridal hair is up to you. My blog will show you some bridal styles and show you how to convey what you want to your wedding day stylist.